What's not to love? Two great events sponsored by The Rattling Wall, a new home for Vermin in San Diego, a sweet poster by tattoo artist Rob Benavides of Flying Panther Tattoo, and the blood-red walls of The Mlountain Bar!
SAN DIEGO at 3rdspace on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 7pm
TRACI FOUST is the author of Nowhere Near Normal, A Memoir of OCD, acclaimed by National Public Radio, the San Diego Union-Tribune and Marie Claire. Her work has appeared in several journals, including The Nervous Breakdown and the Southern Review.
SUNNY KATZ enjoys writing about her exploits, misadventures, and the macabre nightmare world crawling around in her brain. Her passions include cats, video games, and cheese. An old lady once told Sunny Katz that "she is really sweet for a gothic."
DALLAS McLAUGHLIN is a writer and performer for The Aquabats Super Show! You can hear his voice on Yo! Gabba Gabba and read stuff he's written about sports. Dallas is also a playwright and comedian. Follow him on Twitter @dallas_mc.
JOSHUA MOHR is the author of the novels Damascus, Termite Parade and Some Things That Meant the World to Me. He lives in San Francisco.
RAFAEL "BABY BOY" REYES is an artist, tattooer, musician and writer. He lives in San Diego.
ELENA VELASQUEZ self-published a collection of poems with best friend Eneri Rodriguez in 2008 (now out of print). Studied in the MFA Creative Writing poetry program at San Francisco State University for one year. Now interested in the intersections between the page and the stage.
Check out San Diego's new home for Vermin on the Mount: 3rdspace, a club for the creative. It's not a cult -- yet...

LOS ANGELES at The Mountain Bar on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 8pm
SAMANTHA DUNN is the autgor of the novel Failing Paris (just reissued by AmazonEncore), and the memoirs Not By Accident: Reconstructing a Careless Life, and Faith in Carlos Gomez. She co-edited the short story anthology Women on the Edge; Writing from Los Angeles, teaches at the UCLA Writers Program, and serves as the adviser for PEN Center's The Mark program.
TOD GOLDBERG is the author of eleven books, including the novels Living Dead Girl and the popular Burn Notice series, as well as two collections of short stories, Simplify and, most recently, Other Resort Cities. He lives outside of Palm Springs and directs the Low Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts at the University of California, Riverside.
JAMES GREER is the author of the novels Artificial Light and The Failure, and the non-fiction book Guided By Voices: A Brief History, a biography of a band for which he played bass guitar. He’s written or co-written movies for Lindsay Lohan, Jackie Chan, and Steven Soderbergh, among others. He is a Contributing Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books.
JOSHUA MOHR is the author of the novels Damascus, Termite Parade and Some Things That Meant the World to Me. He lives in San Francisco.
J. RYAN STRADAL's writing has appeared in Hobart, The Rumpus, McSweeney’s, The Nervous Breakdown, The Faster Times, The Foghorn and more. He volunteers for 826LA and has produced episodes of Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers, most recently working in Bolivia and Peru on the spin-off series Deadliest Roads.
MICHAL LEMBERGER has published both poetry and prose in various print and online publications. She has taught literature at various Los Angeles colleges and universities for over a decade and often despairs at the widespread comma abuse endemic in our culture.
DAVID SHOOK is a poet, translator, and essayist whose work appears in magazines like Ambit, PN Review, Poetry, and World Literature Today. Kilometer Zero, a poetry documentary he covertly filmed in Equatorial Guinea, is forthcoming in 2012, along with his translation of Mario Bellatin's Shiki Nagaoka: A Nose for Fiction and a selection of Isthmus Zapotec poet Víctor Terán's love poems.
Don't miss the lovefest on Sat. Feb. 11 in SD & Sun. Feb 12 in LA!