VOTM: What's the most unusual experience you've ever had at a reading?
CHIWAN: Well, one time, early on in my writing career, I was invited to read at a little coffee shop on 3rd Street, west of La Brea. I think it was called The Spot or something. Anyway, I invited my friends and family because it was one of my first readings. They reluctantly agreed. So the day comes. I'm nervous as hell. It's like 2 hours before the reading. And I get a call. This was before most of us had cellphones. I answer and it's the woman organizing the event. She is like screaming into the phone: "Don't come tonight! DON'T COME TONIGHT! There's going to be a raid. A RAID!!!" Then she hangs up. I manage to get a hold of everyone and let them know not to come (A RAID!!!!) which they're like all like, "Whatev..." The next day I go by the place and the coffee shop is shut down. It never reopened. It became some sort of dog pet store or something that was painted with spots. I never heard from or saw the lady again. So I guess it wasn't really a reading experience because there was no reading. But whatev...
Come see Chiwan read from his new collection of poetry The Flood at Vermin on the Mount on Sunday, January 9 at 8pm.