JIM KRUSOE: His fiction workshops at Santa Monica College are legendary. Here's your chance to listen to him read from his weird and wonderful new novel Girl Factory from Tin House Books.
SEAN CARSWELL: Novelist, short story writer, and publisher extraordinaire reads from his latest, Train Wreck Girl from Manic D. Sean always puts on a good show -- don't miss it!
TOSH BERMAN: The publisher of Tam Tam books will regale us with the demented genius of Boris Vian whose "masterpiece of noir-gone berserk" The Dead All Have the Same Skin was recently reprinted by Tam Tam.
DICKY MURPHY: Writes for television and will read from his hilarious collection World Cup Eagle. Dickie is hard at work on his next collection, The Civil War is Funny, based on his experiences in the Civil War.