It’s been a somnolent summer for some, but not for the Legion of Vermin:
Lisa Glatt will read from her new collection of short stories on Thursday July 28 at the Long Beach Museum of Art and on Friday July 29 at Beyond Baroque in Venice Beach. Hit the link for details.
Ben Ehrenreich’s review of Salvador Plascencia’s novel People of Paper appears in the LA Weekly. Plascencia will be reading at 826LA on Friday July 22 but you have to RSVP to (310) 305-8418 or rsvp @ 826 dot com. Also reading is Verminoid Josh Bearman.
Alex Lemon, head poetry tech at Konundrum Engine Literary Review, thanks you for your concern about his recent one-way trip down a flight of stairs.
Todd Taylor, the hardest-working man in punk rock, took some time out of his schedule to eat chicken and donuts with me on a tour of Manchester Avenue. My essay about the odyssey will appear in the soon-to-be-released Hobart Travel Issue, but you can check out Todd’s pics now.