Vermin stalwarts Todd Taylor and Sean Carswell are kicking off a seven-city tour with whiskey poet James Jay on Wednesday May 25 at 7 PM at Flor y Canto in Highland Park. The reading marks the release of Sean’s new short story collection, Barney’s Crew, the title story of which Vermin regulars will remember from last November. The collection contains illustrations by Art Fuentes, the visual wizard behind The Legend of St. Vermentine and this Mt. Vermin poster. Todd will read from his collection of essays and interviews Born to Rock. James isn’t a member of the Legion of Vermin (yet) but we’re big fans of his work:
A boy’s knuckles swollen like bellies at a buffet
like a barrel cactus in a monsoon
like Cruelty conducting a staff meeting
like Crusaders rotting on the side of the road to Constantinople
like your lover’s wrists in policeman’s handcuffs
I went to school with James and he knows a thing or two about sore knuckles. I once tried to pick a fight with him while drunk in the woods. (Note to readers: Never start shit with someone who can bench press twice your weight.) The details are kind of dim but I woke up the next morning under a frozen sleeping bag in the bed of a pick-up truck. My head was sore, his hands were okay, and I was still invited to his wedding.
So come for the words. Stick around for the re-match.